
Why Academia?

Panel discussion on academic research as a career choice at my alma mater, IIM Indore

End-to-End Inventory Prediction and Contract Allocation for Guaranteed Delivery Advertising

We proposed a novel end-to-end approach, the Neural Lagrangian Selling (NLS) model, to improve Guaranteed Delivery (GD) advertising by concurrently predicting ad impression inventory and optimizing contract allocation. The model incorporates a differentiable Lagrangian layer and a graph convolutional neural network to enable direct optimization of allocation regret and effective handling of various allocation targets and constraints.

Next — Today I learnt About R

What is Next? A short and sweet curated collection of R-related works. Five stories. Four packages. Three jargons. Two tweets. One Meme. You can subscribe by providing your details here. Promise, no spams. Email address First name (Optional) Last name (Optional) By subscribing, you agree with Revue’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. If you are unsure, here are some editions that my readers loved.

Invento Robotics: Launching Humanoid Robots

Invento Robotics by Balaji Viswanathan is probably one of the most famous start-ups in the Indian robotics space. Their flagship robot Mitra was used at a high profile Global Entrepreneurship Summit in October 2017. This marketing case study is on designing their marketing plan. This research work was selected into The Case Center 2021 Competition in the Hot Topics category. Colloquially, this competition is known as the Oscars of case studies.

Dynamic GP: Application to Malaria Vaccine Coverage Prediction

We applied a dynamic Gaussian process model to predict coverage for novel Malaria vaccines in 78 countries. Using publicly available WHO data on coverage of nine vaccines, we developed localised models for countries grouped using the human development index (HDI). We deployed convolutions of standard GP models with weights determined using singular value decomposition of time-series response matrix.

Statistical Modelling and Analysis of the Computer-Simulated Datasets

My first academic publication: a peer-reviewed book chapter on statistical modelling using Gaussian processes. We reviewed several GP models and correlation structures, and methods to handle numerical instabilities due to near-singular matrices. Finally, we reviewed several algorithms developed specifically for analysing big data obtained from computer simulators.